Redskins Traditional Brand Since 1984

Redskins traditional brand since 1984 – Since its inception in 1984, the Redskins traditional brand has been a subject of ongoing debate and controversy. This comprehensive analysis delves into the historical context, trademark and intellectual property rights, marketing strategies, fan base and public perception, social and cultural impact, potential rebranding options, case studies and comparisons, and ethical considerations surrounding the Redskins name.

The journey of the Redskins brand is a complex and multifaceted one, marked by legal battles, cultural debates, and evolving marketing strategies. This analysis will provide a thorough examination of the various aspects that have shaped the Redskins brand over the years.

Historical Context of the Redskins Brand

The Washington Redskins team name originated in 1933, when the Boston Braves football team relocated to Washington, D.C. The team’s owner, George Preston Marshall, chose the name “Redskins” as a tribute to the Native American community in the area.

At the time, the use of Native American imagery and names in sports was common. However, the Redskins name has been the subject of controversy since its inception due to its perceived insensitivity and racism.

Key Events in the Brand’s History

  • 1933: The Boston Braves relocate to Washington, D.C. and become the Washington Redskins.
  • 1972: The National Congress of American Indians (NCAI) passes a resolution condemning the use of the Redskins name.
  • 1992: The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) cancels the Redskins’ trademark registration.
  • 2017: The Supreme Court rules that the Redskins can continue to use their trademark, but the case is still ongoing.

Cultural and Social Climate at the Time of Adoption

In the early 20th century, the portrayal of Native Americans in popular culture was often stereotypical and dehumanizing. The Redskins name reflected this prevailing attitude and reinforced the idea that Native Americans were inferior.

Trademark and Intellectual Property

The Redskins name has been the subject of numerous legal battles and controversies over its trademark and intellectual property rights.

Trademark Rights

The Redskins have held a trademark on the name since 1967. However, the USPTO has canceled the trademark registration twice, in 1992 and 2014. The Redskins have appealed both decisions, and the case is currently pending before the Supreme Court.

Legal Controversies

The Redskins have been involved in several lawsuits over the use of their name. In 2014, a group of Native American plaintiffs filed a lawsuit against the team, alleging that the name was disparaging and violated their civil rights.

Supreme Court Ruling

In 2017, the Supreme Court ruled that the Redskins could continue to use their trademark, but the case is still ongoing. The Court ruled that the First Amendment protected the team’s right to use the name, even if it was offensive to some people.

Marketing and Branding Strategies


The Redskins have employed a variety of marketing and branding strategies over the years.

Target Audience

The Redskins’ target audience is primarily white, male, and middle-aged. The team has also made efforts to reach out to Native American fans, but these efforts have been met with mixed success.

Brand Messaging

The Redskins’ brand messaging has focused on tradition and pride. The team has used slogans such as “Hail to the Redskins” and “We Are One Nation” to promote a sense of unity and community.

Marketing Campaigns

The Redskins have launched a number of marketing campaigns over the years, including a “Redskins Nation” campaign that featured fans from all over the country. The team has also partnered with a number of sponsors, including Nike and FedEx.

Fan Base and Public Perception: Redskins Traditional Brand Since 1984

Redskins traditional brand since 1984

The Redskins have a large and passionate fan base. However, the team has also been the subject of criticism and controversy over the use of its name.

Fan Demographics

The Redskins’ fan base is primarily white, male, and middle-aged. The team also has a significant number of fans in the Washington, D.C. area.

Public Perception

Public perception of the Redskins name is divided. Some people believe that the name is offensive and racist, while others believe that it is a tradition that should be preserved.

Impact of Controversies

The recent controversies over the Redskins name have had a negative impact on the team’s fan base. Some fans have stopped attending games or buying merchandise in protest of the name.

Social and Cultural Impact

Redskins traditional brand since 1984

The Redskins name has a significant social and cultural impact.

Cultural Appropriation, Redskins traditional brand since 1984

Some people believe that the Redskins name is an example of cultural appropriation, which is the adoption of elements of a minority culture by members of a dominant culture.


The Redskins name is considered offensive by many Native Americans. The name reinforces the idea that Native Americans are inferior and perpetuates harmful stereotypes.

Impact on Native American Communities

The Redskins name has a negative impact on Native American communities. The name reinforces the idea that Native Americans are not valued members of society and that their culture is not respected.

Potential Rebranding Options

There are a number of potential rebranding options for the Redskins.

Option Pros Cons
Washington Warriors – Strong and powerful name

  • Avoids cultural appropriation
  • Maintains a connection to the team’s history
– May be too generic

Could be confused with other teams

Washington Redhawks – Unique and distinctive name

  • Avoids cultural appropriation
  • Represents the team’s mascot
– May not be as well-received by fans

Could be seen as a marketing gimmick

Washington Sentinels – Strong and patriotic name

  • Avoids cultural appropriation
  • Represents the team’s role as a symbol of the nation’s capital
– May not be as exciting or memorable as other options

Could be seen as too political

Feasibility and Impact

Any rebranding of the Redskins would be a complex and challenging process. The team would need to choose a new name, logo, and branding strategy. The rebranding would also likely have a significant impact on the team’s fan base and public perception.

Question & Answer Hub

When was the Redskins team name first adopted?


What is the significance of the Supreme Court ruling on the Redskins trademark in 2017?

The Supreme Court ruled that the Redskins trademark was not eligible for federal registration due to its disparaging nature.

What are some of the potential rebranding options for the Redskins?

Potential rebranding options include changing the team name to the Warriors, the Braves, or the Renegades.